I remember my mom making playing card holders for her Kindergarten classroom years ago! I even made a playing card holder for a motor development project back in college. This particular playing card holder still stands as my favorite in spite of all of the great ideas that can now be found on Pinterest. Card holders can take the frustration out of fun games for both the kids and parents who often times find themselves holding the cards.
The Problem
One of the best ways to learn is through game and play. Kids love to work on numbers/letters/words through games. Many of these games involve holding cards. With the little ones holding cards isn’t always the easiest task and can cause some unneeded frustration! If you’ve ever observed young kids playing cards its not unheard of to see cards on the floor, tables, and two handed holds disrupting their concentration on the game!
The Solution – A Card Holder
Card holders can always be bought. They range from approximately 4 dollars and up per card holder. Then there is the option of making your own with objects from around the home.
What You Need
- 2 lids
- Make sure one is slightly larger than the other – It gives a little extra support to the cards.
- 1 brass fastener
Just place the small lid right over the large lid and add the brass fastener to connect the two lids and you have your card holder. You may need to use a scissor to poke a hole through the lids if the tack won’t go through easily. Lids can vary in size depending on what you have available and your needs.
Place the cards between the two lids when you are playing. I appreciate how sturdy this card holder is and how easy it is to hold. It takes the frustration out of playing cards for those little hands!
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My store at Pink Oatmeal is full of ideas to get the kids moving at home, in the classroom, and in therapy! If you prefer Teachers Pay Teachers you can find me there too!
Thanks for the great, simple idea! In five minutes I slapped together this cardholder for my grandson. It worked great for him and we had fun playing Go Fish!