All the motor skill tools you need in one place!

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Your #1 Resource for Physical Activity and Motor Skills Ideas

The Pink Oatmeal Membership was the BEST INVESTMENT
I have ever made in my career! AMAZING!
Physical Therapist

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Join thousands of therapists, parents and teachers that use Pink Oatmeal free resources everyday! When you join the Pink Oatmeal email list, you will have immediate access to over 80 creative gross motor and fine motor skill resources.

Hi, I'm Chanda!

Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. I am a mom of 3 and Doctor of Physical Therapy. I’ve created Pink Oatmeal to help you with all your ideas and resource needs for promoting physical activity and motor skills at home, therapy, and in the classroom! I’m so excited that you’ve found Pink Oatmeal and I can’t wait for you to take a look around the website right now.

It's simple to get started using Pink Oatmeal!

Visit the Pink Oatmeal shop and find a HUGE selection of gross motor, fine motor, and physical activity resources.

 Get thousands of gross motor and fine motor resources for FREE when you become an All-Access Pass Holder

Check out the Pink Oatmeal FREEBIE library packed with amazing gross motor and fine motor resources all for FREE!

Take a look at the Pink Oatmeal blog packed with helpful and creative motor skill ideas for anyone and everyone!

Videos Are Our Thing!

Pink Oatmeal has 1000+ motor skill videos in one organized library!  And you can access this amazing and growing video library 24/7 when you get in on the Pink Oatmeal All-Access Pass!

What People Are Saying About Pink Oatmeal

The best thing that happened to tele-health was finding your website! Thank you for the awesome work you have put into your website! My kids are loving all the digital activities and I am loving how easy this has been for me!

“A huge, huge thanks to Chanda Jothen (Pink Oatmeal) and her collection of resources and activities. My brain is starting to short circuit and you gave me life support to be creative and fun. Thank you, you are the most awesome of awesome there is.”

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