We are finally getting some nice weather around here and have been able to get outside! I was really excited to do “warm weather” activities with C. It’s really the first time that he has been able to get out and play on the grass since he was just a newborn last fall. One of the spring activities I wanted to get in is blowing bubbles! It’s an activity that just feels like something you do when the weather is nice. Well we headed outside with all our gear. I got set-up and opened the bubbles and what do you know it was WAY too windy. It has continued to be way too cold or way to windy every day! The joys of living in the Midwest. I finally gave up and brought the activity indoors. It’s such a simple activity yet had so many great advantages.
Bubbles With Baby
Chasing Bubbles– C would “worm” after the bubbles when they would land on the floor and pop them. It was very motivating for him! This would be great to do out in the grass too for the extra sensory input!
Obstacle Course– C had fun climbing over couch cushions and pillows to get to bubbles. This is a great for strengthening and navigation/problem solving for baby.
Seated position– Here C would reach out and pop the bubbles and spend time watching them fall to the ground. I would hold a bubble out on the wand and he would reach out pop it and smile HUGE! He would move to the ground and onto his tummy to try get them. He is now what I call a functional sitter!
For babies that can’t sit or crawl bubble play is still fun! Think of what a great option this would be to do with a baby while they worked on tummy time! What a great way to fit that into your day!
As babies are starting to cruise or pull to stand they can work on going after the bubbles. When they are learning to stand independently bubbles are another great way to motivate them to shift their weight.
As your baby learns to walk they will be able to move after the bubbles and squat up and down chasing after the bubbles!
The options with bubbles seem endless and such a great tool to use for many years!
Benefits Of Bubble Play
Motivation To Move– What a simple and easy tool to motivate and play with baby!
Eye-Hand Coordination– Popping the bubbles means working on eye-hand coordination!
Strengthening– Navigating the pillows or obstacles or just being on a tummy for a baby that isn’t moving independently yet is a great way to strengthen!
Visual Tracking– Bubbles are a great way for him to work on his visual tracking skills. This is a skill that younger and older babies and kids continue to work on.
Sensory Input– Bubbles are wet and sticky which is great sensory input!
Think of all the possibilities as your baby gets older and becomes a toddler or young child!
What is your favorite thing to do bubbles? What do your kids like best?