I love shape sorters (affiliate link). I’ve tried a DIY shape sorter for C and I’ve received one as a gift. They both are great, however C plays with them for about two seconds. He just wants to move, especially now that he is walking. As a physical therapist I’m always thinking “big” since I work to enhance large motor skills.

It all begins with a cardboard box. My husband understands that no cardboard boxes can go into recycling until he runs it by me. For this particular project I used a convertible car seat box.
On the side that was already open I added some velcro. It can either be hot glued on or a even better way would be to buy this kind of velcro. That way the balls couldn’t escape out the side but would be easily accessible.
More Cardboard Box Ideas
Our Big Sensory Box is one of our best toys in the playroom! We started using it when C was about 6-7 months old and at 14 months old it’s still getting use.
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My store at Pink Oatmeal is full of ideas to get the kids moving at home, in the classroom, and in therapy! If you prefer Teachers Pay Teachers you can find me there too!
Nothing beats a big ole cardboard box. I love that you’re realistic about toddler attention spans – 5 minutes is a huge win! As an OT, I hear parents report that their itty bitty kiddo only played with an activity for 5 minutes without realizing that not only is that great attention, but that there is SO much learning that can happen in 5 minutes. Parents ask me all the time about play activities for older babies – I’ll be sure to share this one!
Thanks for reading. I agree I always try to remember to add that to my posts so people know its normal! Thanks for being willing to share!