I recently read an article, Letting Kids Move Isn’t A Break From Learning, It is Learning. In this article the author discusses how important movement is in the learning process and gives great ideas on how to incorporate movement into learning, not just as a brain break. Now don’t get me wrong, brain breaks are an essential part of the day and an absolute must for learning. However, this article made some really good points about not only having brain breaks but also finding ways that incorporate movement into regular learning. I couldn’t agree more. The demands on teachers are high, which can result in students sitting in the classroom and look at power points or smart boards for long periods of time. Incorporating kinesthetic learning into the classroom can make learning more fun and engaging for students.
Kinesthetic Learning
There are many talented teachers out there who are finding great ways to incorporate movement as a part of learning and not a break from it. Many share their ideas through blogs, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. Here are a few ideas of how teachers are moving and learning in their classrooms to get you started!
1. First Grade Smiles shares several different ways she incorporates kinesthetic learning in her classroom.
2. I love how Suestasstic Classroom Inspirations used yoga to combine stamina and learning. Brilliant!
3. Mrs. Jumps Class added movement into their penguin unit. Animal moves are some of my very favorite ways to get the kids moving!
4. Teach Preschool shares ideas on how she incorporates movement into circle time.
5. I love how Mrs. Kings Room used movement to teach about personal space.
6. The Colorful Apple added movement to her subtraction lesson!
7. Movement can easily be incorporated into different themed units. When doing a zoo or farm unit try incorporating some yoga.
8. Movement is added to place values with Two Sisters Teach.
9. Teach Preschool uses kinesthetic learning in teaching everyday math skills!
10. PreK and K Sharing does a whole lesson on movement!
11. Movement can easily be incorporated as a station or center. A great way to keep the kids engaged with brain breaks, yoga, or games .
12. Learning time can easily be applied to kinesthetic learning at Techie Teacher Time.
13. Making a goal for the class to work on for the year such as completing a marathon can be utilized in some many different ways such as tracking miles, heart rate, or time.
14. Movement can be great for older kids too. I love how I Speak Math utilized movement into learning algebraic expressions.
15. Fun In First uses kinesthetic learning for sight words!
16. Fabulous in Fifth adds movement into learning geometry. For the younger students how about a shape hunt?
17. More sight word kinesthetic learning comes from Hurray for FDK in her Head Hunter Game.
18. I’m a big fan of Twister and love how This Reading Mama added sight words to Twister for a kinesthetic learning experience.
19. I love the sound hop for sight words in Mrs. Ricca’s Kindergarten!
20. Kinesthetic learning with the number line with The Bubbly Blonde .
21. Mothering With Creativity came up with a great way to work on addition and move!
22. Check out these fun ways to move during morning meeting!
23. Needing seasonal ideas on how to incorporate kinesthetic learning into the classroom? Check out people incorporated movement and learning during Valentine’s Day.
What ways do you incorporate kinesthetic learning? Leave your ideas in the comments for others to see!
More Ideas
Looking for even more kinesthetic learning ideas? Follow my Movement In The Classroom board on Pinterest!
Follow Pink Oatmeal’s board Movement In The Classroom on Pinterest.
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My store at Pink Oatmeal has ideas to get the kids moving at home, in the classroom, and in therapy! If you prefer Teachers Pay Teachers you can find me there too with even more ideas to get the kids moving!