It is the dead of winter around here. That means snow and cold. Sometimes too cold to even get outside. That can cause a little (or a lot) of stir craziness! To combat against that we try to play games with movement! The snowflake hop is a great winter gross motor game that can be played from preschool on up!
Snowflake Hop
The snowflake hop is just one of many winter gross motor ideas from Pink Oatmeal. See all of the winter gross motor resources and read all about the winter gross motor planning ideas.
Snowflakes with action words and pictures (Get them ready made in the shop )
How To Play
Option 1
- Place snowflakes face down.
- Let students take turns picking a snowflake.
- The entire class performs the activity on the snowflake.
Option 2
- Place the same number of snowflakes as students on the ground.
- Have students walk or hop on snowflakes until music stops.
- When music stops students must perform the activity on their snowflake.
- When music starts students start moving between snowflakes again and play continues.
This can easily be modified to a musical chairs like game. Have one less snowflake than students playing. When the music stops the student who is not on the snowflake is out.
And it even gets better…
These printables can be used for other activities with a winter theme. This video is one example of the snowflake hop printables being used in a different way. You could even exchange the stool for a (affilate link) BOSU ball.
Enjoy this fun winter gross motor game!
Winter Gross Motor
Now that you’ve worked on winter fine motor activities, how about checking out a few of these winter gross motor activities!
Winter Themed Gross Motor Ideas
Winter Games Gross Motor Activities
Snowball Relay Winter Movement Game
Indoor Ice Skating Winter Gross Motor
Get Your Winter Gross Motor Games
Do you love the idea of this game but don’t want to put it together? Pink Oatmeal has you covered! The Snowflake Hop game is part of the Winter Themed Movement Games set along with several other fun ways to move this winter!
Winter Resources From Pink Oatmeal
Pink Oatmeal has a huge selection of resources that are created and ready for you! Save yourself time and effort and have fun and engaging resources that you can start using now. The best part is you can use them over and over again every winter!
Click on the name of the images in the photos below to get a full detailed view of the winter resource available at Pink Oatmeal!
Winter Movement Games Winter Yoga Story Winter Fine Motor Activities Winter Yoga Winter Yoga Bundle Winter Motor Bundle Winter Movement Bundle Winter Yoga Cards and Printables Winter Sports Fine Motor Activities Winter Sports Stations Winter Friends Pre-Writing Winter Counting Movement Game Winter Movement Game Winter Sports Movement Game Winter Wheelchair Game Gnome Upper Extremity Game Winter Brain Break Cards Penguin Life Cycle Winter Sensory and Motor Path Printables Reindeer Life Cycle
I love your gross motor tasks!