You have that little kiddo who just isn’t motivated during your therapy or physical education sessions. Maybe gross motor skills are difficult for them. You want to motivate this particular child to move and enjoy movement. How can you do this? How about finding out what this particular child likes. You find that this child loves anything princess related. Now you need to incorporate this into movement. How about trying princess themed gross motor ideas. They are also a perfect way to give this child a brain break!
Princess Themed Gross Motor or Brain Break Ideas
The great thing about princess themed motor activities and brain break ideas is that the number of repetitions, distance, and duration of time can easily be adjusted based on your needs! I like to make sure the kids are working hard and getting re-energized! These ideas are designed to be fast, effective, and efficient!
Princess Parade
Walk on your tip toes, walk heel to toe, walk on your heels, side step, walk backward, skip, gallop, and march around the room
Kiss A Frog
Jump up and down, side to side, forward and backward, jumping jacks, right foot hops, left foot hops, right to left hops, jump and turn
Princess Party
Body Wiggles, Dance Party, Spin Clockwise, Spin Counter Clockwise
Dress Up
Shoulder Touch to Head Touch, Put on your shoes: foot stomps, Head/shoulder/knees/toes touch, Head touch to overhead to overhead reach (Crown On)
Sit On The Throne
Squat, Lunge, Squat and Hold, Step To The Side and Squat
Proper Princess
Right Foot Stand, Left Foot Stand, Tandem Standing (Both Sides)
Princess School
Series of gross motor movements – For example, squat, jump, spin, repeat
Pretty Princess
Knee Hugs, Side Arm Circles, Forward Arm Circles, Backward Circles, Wall Push-Ups, Chair Running (Sit In The Chair and Move Your Arms and Legs As Fast As You Can Like You Are Running)
Start With Your Legs Together, Keep Your Right Leg Planted, Step Out To The Side As Far As You Can To The Left And Return With Feet Together
Start With Your Legs Together, Keep Your Left Leg Planted, Step Out To The Side As Far As You Can To The Right And Return With Feet Together
Princess Themed Gross Motor or Brain Break Cards
Do you love the idea of princess themed brain break cards, but want them ready made for you to have at any time? I don’t blame you! I have them available for you in my Teachers Pay Teachers store or in the shop on the blog. Stay at the store and shop around and find brain breaks for all seasons and themes! t
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My store at Pink Oatmeal is full of ideas to get the kids moving at home, in the classroom, and in therapy! If you prefer Teachers Pay Teachers you can find me there too!