Thanksgiving Yoga Pose Ideas
Thanksgiving yoga is the perfect way to incorporate all the benefits of yoga with a fun Thanksgiving Theme. Some of these benefits may include decreased stress, increased concentration, and improved self image. Not bad for a few minutes of fun! Short on time and want your own set of Thanksgiving Yoga Cards and Printables that are ready made for you? Pink Oatmeal has ready made Thanksgiving Yoga Cards for you in the shop! These are just one tiny piece of the puzzle when it comes to Thanksgiving gross motor and fine motor ideas from Pink Oatmeal. Get even more Thanksgiving ideas when you check out all of the Thanksgiving Themed Gross Motor and Fine Motor Ideas from Pink Oatmeal!GET THE THANKSGIVING YOGA CARDS AND PRINTABLES AT PINK OATMEAL
Turkey Pose Stand tall on your knees. Reach your arms over your head reaching towards the sky. Push your chest out, look up and spread your arms open. Hold the pose and breathe.
Pumpkin Pose Happy Baby Pose – Rock back and forth like pumpkin rolling.
Pilgrim Pose Chair Pose
Pumpkin Pie Sit on your bottom with your legs out in front of you and back straight. Spread your legs apart. Bend forward at your hips trying to keep your back straight. Eat your pumpkin pie!
Horn of Plenty Bow Pose
Thankful Pose Lotus Pose – Go around and say what you are thankful for.
Corn Pose Mountain Pose – Reach Your Arms Overhead!
After Dinner Exercise Pose Bicycle Pose
Thanksgiving Resources
Pink Oatmeal has a huge selection of Thanksgiving resources all ready for you to use right now! These resources save you time and effort! Have fun and engaging resources that you can use year after year!CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL THE THANKSGIVING RESOURCES FROM PINK OATMEAL
You can also click on the name of the individual resource below to get a full detailed view of each resource.-
Thanksgiving Motor Pack -
Thanksgiving Yoga Cards -
Thanksgiving Fine Motor Activities -
Thanksgiving Brain Break Cards -
Thanksgiving Movement Games -
Thanksgiving Feast Gross Motor -
Thanksgiving Sensory and Motor Path -
Thanksgiving Wheelchair Game -
Thanksgiving Yoga Bundle -
Thanksgiving Yoga Cards -
Thanksgiving Movement Pack -
Turkey Life Cycle Game -
Turkey Friends Pre-Writing -
Turkey Feather Counting