I always believe moving while learning is so important. We expect a lot of our children when it comes to learning, especially our young ones. Kindergarten seems to be the new first grade and preschool is what kindergarten once was. Kids don’t have the opportunities to move like they used too. As requirements and standards go up, it seems that opportunities to move go down. Therefore, it’s important that we find ways to get the kids moving. With younger kids, one of my favorite ways is incorporating alphabet movement cards.
Moving With The Alphabet
Each letter is represented with an action below. Moving and learning are the perfect combination. If you find you love his idea be sure to check out a ready made set of Alphabet Movement Cards and Printables in Pink Oatmeal’s shop .
Airplane – Fly like an airplane or the airplane yoga pose.
Butterfly – Butterfly pose in yoga.
Chair – Yoga chair pose.
Dog – Downward dog yoga pose!
Elephant– Make a trunk with your arms and swing it side to side
Frog – Hop like a frog!
Gallop – Gallop around like a horse.
Hop – Hop in all directions.
Ice Skate – Pretend to ice skate in all directions.
Jumping Jacks – A classic exercise.
Kite – Kite pose in yoga.
Lion – Lion pose in yoga.
Moon – Moon pose in yoga.
Net – Move like you are catching objects in your net.
Octopus – Move your arms like octopus. Walk in all directions moving like an octopus.
Picking Apples – Pick apples above your head and on the ground. Reach high and low!
Quack – Make quacking sounds while walking around like a duck.
Run – Run in place or if you have room go fast!
Stretch – Stretch in all directions.
Tree – Yoga pose tree.
Unicycle – Stand on one leg.
Victory Dance – Move your body.
Waddle – Waddle around.
X – Make x’s with your body- use your arms and legs.
Yo-yo – Move your body up and down.
Zipper – Zip a giant zipper by starting low and moving your arms over your head as high as you can.
Alphabet and Movement
Teachers and therapists have shared with me great ways that they are using the cards including adding sounds while performing the actions, in centers, in drama classes, as brain breaks, and in special education. I personally love all the benefits that come with movement!
Alphabet Resources
Pink Oatmeal has several different alphabet resources for both gross motor, movement and fine motor activities. Take a peek at what Pink Oatmeal has to offer.
You can also click on the name of the product below to get a full description of that resource.
Alphabet Movement Cards Alphabet Moves Bundle Alphabet Yoga Bundle Alphabet In Action Book Alphabet Magic Moves Fine Motor Tracing Escape Room – Alphabet Theme Alphabet Gross Motor Game Exercise Spot Alphabet Theme Alphabet Fine Motor Activities Alphabet Fitness Escape Room Alphabet Yoga Cards Alphabet Digital Game Bundle Alphabet Motor Pack Letter Formation + Movement Game Letter Reversal Gross Motor Game
I lover the alphabet movement game cards, where can I get them?
They are for sale at my Teachers Pay Teachers store! Glad you love them! They are a blast! https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Alphabet-Movement-Cards-1318219
Hi there I am from South Africa so i can not purchase from the store. Are the full sheet printables mentioned above similar to the movement cards and where can i get them please?
Hi there, the full sheet printables and the cards are the same! They are just two different options (full page versus half page cardsO. Being from South Africa you should be able to purchase from the shop. If you are having trouble you can also grab them at Teachers Pay Teachers https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Alphabet-Movement-Cards-1318219 Enjoy!
Thank-you for your help