It’s getting to be that time of the year, where I start thinking back to school! One of the basics we all learn in school is the alphabet. It’s an essential! Learning the alphabet doesn’t have to be boring, but really fun and active. This can be done by incorporating the alphabet with yoga! Movement is essential to learning so why not start with the alphabet? I’m so lucky to be sharing my alphabet yoga as part of the Active Learning: Brain Building Through Movement series hosted by The Inspired Treehouse! A group of awesome bloggers are sharing great ideas on how to make learning active.
Alphabet Poses
Each pose represents a letter from the alphabet. Modify the poses as needed. Let the kids enjoy the yoga and be creative with their poses. This is just one of the ways that movement can be added to the alphabet. Check out more letter recognition activities that promote movement. Save time, money, and effort and get all of your alphabet yoga activities created for you and ready to use in the shop now.
A = Airplane
Airplane Pose – Hold still or move your arms side to side.
B = Bicycle
Bicycle Pose – Pedal fast and pedal slow.
C = Cat
Cat Pose – Add another C and combine it with the Cow Pose
D = Dog
Downward Dog Pose
E = Elephant
Forward Fold – Add the elephant trunk by clasping your hands together and swinging your trunk.
Flower Pose
G = Gorilla
Forward Bend – Let your arms touch the floor and hold or sway side to side and walk like a gorilla!
H = Half Moon
Moon Pose
I = Ice Skater
Dancer’s Pose
J= Jack Rabbit
Squat on the floor with your weight on your toes. Spread your knees as far apart as you can. Make sure your hands are in between your knees on the floor. Hop up into the air and repeat.
K = Kite
Kite Pose
L = Lion
Lion Breath – Add a roar!
M = Monkey
Chair Pose – Shift your weight side to side and make monkey noises!
N = Night
Corpse Pose – Gaze at the night sky, relax, and breathe!
O = Octopus
Lotus Pose – Move your arms at your side like an octopus!
P= Pig
Happy Baby Pose – Roll in the mud like a pig!
Q = Queen
Chair Pose – Think of sitting on your throne!
R = Rock
Child’s Pose
S = Ship
Boat Partner Pose
T = Tree
Tree Pose – Try it on both sides!
U = Umbrella
Mountain Pose – Add in opening up your umbrella and hold it above your head!
V= V Pose
(Partner Pose) Lay flat on the floor. Rest your arms at your side. Touch your feet together with your partners. Make sure you are laying at an angle to make a human V.
W = Whale
Bow Pose
X = X Pose
Stand with your feet wide apart. Reach your hands out to the side as far apart as you can. Remember to keep your body nice and tall. Don’t forget to breathe!
Y = Yo-Yo
Stand tall with your feet flat on the floor and shoulder width apart. Squat down, but don’t let your knees go in front of your toes (make sure you can see your toes when you squat). Stand back up. Repeat like a yo-yo going up and down.
Z = Zebra
Cow pose – A great pose to use on it’s own and with a cat pose.
See It In Action
One of several fun ways to use Alphabet Yoga Cards and Printables is to work on letter and name recognition skill. Check out the name recognition activity below!
Pink Oatmeal Alphabet Resources
How great would it feel to have alphabet movement activities created for you and ready to use now? Plus, feel confident knowing that you are adding physical activity to the learning process. Get fun and engaging ways to work on motor skills and the alphabet from Pink Oatmeal! Check out all of the alphabet gross motor and fine motor resources from Pink Oatmeal now!
You can also click on the name of the product below to get a full description of that resource.
Alphabet Movement Cards Alphabet Moves Bundle Alphabet Yoga Bundle Alphabet In Action Book Alphabet Magic Moves Fine Motor Tracing Escape Room – Alphabet Theme Alphabet Gross Motor Game Exercise Spot Alphabet Theme Alphabet Fine Motor Activities Alphabet Fitness Escape Room Alphabet Yoga Cards Alphabet Digital Game Bundle Alphabet Motor Pack Letter Formation + Movement Game Letter Reversal Gross Motor Game
I really loved your post. In this time of situation where we are at home with kids really helpful.