
Blogger. Physical Therapist. Mom. Chocolate Lover. Golden Retriever Owner. Coffee Hater. DIYer. Thrifty Shopper.

Handouts for School-Based Physical and Occupational Therapists

As a school-based occupational therapist or school-based physical therapist, you have one busy job. I know this first hand as I was a school-based physical therapist for several years.  In my time working in the schools, I found I was always hustling trying to print things off the internet for information to pass along. It

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Holidays Around The World Gross Motor and Fine Motor Activities

It’s the holiday season and celebrating holidays around the world is a fantastic way to work on motor skills. In this blog post we are going to give you ideas for holiday gross motor activities and holiday fine motor activities! You will have fantastic ways to celebrate Christmas around the world and holidays around the

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Creating Digital Folders for the School-Based Therapist

School-based occupational and physical therapists have been dipping their toes into all of the value that technology can bring to working more efficiently. With large caseloads, and often times multiple buildings, therapists understand how important efficiency is! One solution to improving efficiency is the establishment of digital online folders and files. Moving folders and files

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Data Tracking For School-Based Therapists

School-based therapists (occupational, physical, speech and beyond) play a crucial roll in the IEP team. With their responsibilities encompassing a wide range of assessments, interventions, and progress monitoring, efficient data tracking becomes an important task. Fortunately,  digital tools has revolutionized the way that school-based therapists can collect and analyze data, making it easier than ever

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