The amount of baby equipment out there is overwhelming! There are so many choices! As a physical therapist we specialize in development and we have equipment we love and then there is equipment that we prefer in moderation or not at all. I am hoping that I can spread my knowledge with all of you. Here is a roundup of some of the most popular baby equipment on the market. Hopefully this can serve as a nice reference for you when selecting what to buy for baby.
Activity Tables
Activity tables are a favorite of mine for baby! Did you know that they can be used all the way from when your baby is just a few months old up to walking?
Activity Tables – A Physical Therapist Favorite
Mama OT has more great ideas for Activity Tables
The Jumper
I’ve heard all sorts of different opinions from all sorts of different people. My opinion is in moderation. Take a look at why it isn’t something that my son plays in for extended periods of time.
The Baby Walker
The baby walker and push toy often get interchanged when people talk about them. The truth is, they are different! The walker is what a baby sits in and walks around. The push toy is what a baby can push and walk with. Be sure not to get the two mixed up. I would avoid walkers but my opinion on the push toy is favorable!
Baby Walker – Dangers and Limitations
Push Toy
Not a baby walker by my terminology, but often times called one. I find this to be awful confusing for so many people! A push toy is a great option before a baby can even walk and push it. Be sure to check out all the benefits as to why!
The Benefits of the Push Toy Before Walking
The Exersaucer
It looks like so much fun for baby, but is it really any good for baby? A post on Mama OT’s blog discusses her opinion on the exersaucer and how it should be utilized.
The Exersaucer- The Good, The Bad, and The Better
Travel Systems
Believe it or not I never owned a travel system nor ever felt the need to have one. I have a car seat and stroller, but not a travel system. My guest post at Mama OT explains why!
Are Travel Systems Bad For Baby?
The Bumbo Seat
The ever so popular and ever so debatable Bumbo Seat. There are several different opinions on this seat floating around the therapy world. I personally bought one to form my own opinion. In hindsight ,I wouldn’t buy it again just due to the limited amount of time it was useful for us. Check out the posts below from other developmental therapists to make your decision.
The Bumbo – Good, Bad, or Both
A guest post on Mama OT is highly against a Bumbo Seat.
Kendra The Pediatric PT’s opinion is they aren’t that bad!
Play Yard
Yes, sometimes I jokingly refer to this as baby jail, but I truly love play yards. They are such a great option for busy baby when mom or dad need a minute. See why the play yard is one of the best things you can buy for your baby!
Play Yards – A Good Choice For Promoting Motor Development
Baby Carriers
Some people swear by them and for some they just don’t work. Some babies love being in a carrier and some don’t. If you decide that you are going to get one be sure to take into consideration the positioning of your baby.
Positioning Considerations When Choosing A Baby Carrier
Why You Should Use A Moby Wrap – Mama OT
The Baby Gym
Another absolute favorite! I was so sad when my little man out grew his baby gym. It was the best toy for the first 6 months. These are an awesome option right from the newborn stage. Find out all the great reasons why every baby should have a baby gym.
Rock ‘n Play
I personally didn’t own one and really don’t have any experience with them. CanDo Kiddo shares some information on the Rock ‘n Play that was an interesting read for me!
Follow Pink Oatmeal’s board Baby Tips on Pinterest.
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Such a great list! Thank you for compiling it all into one place.