When we found out we were having a boy my husband’s first words out of his mouth were, “We are going to save a lot of money on clothes!” This may be true, however I’ve found some great stores for baby and now toddler boys clothes. I am a big shopper of the discount racks and rarely ever actually buy anything full price. I pretty much go by the rule of thumb that the price has to be a single digit or I don’t buy it. I’ve found some really great bargains at these stores! I’ve definitely shopped the consignment sales too, but have found that I’ve ended up with better deals bargain hunting at the stores. Here are my favorite stores to find cute, yet good priced boys clothes.
Baby and Toddler Boy Clothes
1.H&M – I don’t know that this store is necessarily thought of as a place to find clothes for the youngest members of the family, but I love it! I like the style of their clothes and much like their adult clothes the prices are manageable. If you are like me, you shop the sales and can really get some great discounts on clothes their. My sons entire 1 year old pictures were outfitted from H&M.
2. Target (affiliate) – As always a go too store for most everything in my world. I usually need to browse by the clothes (if I’m child free) as I’m a pretty big fan of their boy clothing selection. My favorites are their Cherokee and OshKoshB’gosh lines for the little boys. I’m a really big fan of shopping the clearance racks. You also can find great deals at times with Cartwheel or using your Red Card for the extra 5% off. I sometimes find when it gets greater than 50% off it gets a little picked over but there are still some good finds.
3. JCPenney – I literally hit the jackpot of boys clothes at JCPenney’s last year and got my little mans entire winter wardrobe and beyond for 2.97 a piece! I was there on the right day. They have some great lines that I love. I only buy on sale there and have never purchased anything for full price. I’ve noticed that at my JCPenney tsome of the lines I loved seemed to have disappeared or JCPenney is no longer carrying them, but I still can find some really cute things for really good prices.
4. Crazy 8 – This is another store where I am a big clearance rack shopper. I’m pretty sure that I haven’t bought anything here at regular price. I’ve found that between seasons is a great time to hit up Crazy 8. I find myself there in between seasons but not as often as I am at the the first three stores on my list.
5. Kohls – Another place where I never pay full price for any clothing, but does anyone ever pay full price at Kohls? I usually shop here when I have the 15-30 percent off coupons or Kohl’s cash. I am a big fan of the Jumping Beans line at Kohls. I would say the majority of my little man’s pants come from here. I usually can get them for under $5 dollars a piece.
What are your favorite places to find boys clothes that are cute yet reasonably priced? I’d love to find out more great places! Leave your favorites in the comments.
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