When it’s the season of March Madness, there is nothing better than setting up basketball themed motor stations. In these stations you will have basketball themed fine motor, basketball themed gross motor, and basketball themed visual motor activities. They are fantastic for a March Madness themed motor room.
Basketball Themed Motor Station
Take a peek of the walk through of the basketball themed motor stations. Below we will break down where you can get each item to make your motor skills fun! You can set these up as individual stations or you can create an entire motor circuit out of the stations!
March Madness Motor Skills
Let’s start off with the basketball shoes station.
In this station, you are dribbling a tennis ball just in front of the printable on the floor. You will dribble in order of the patterns. You could replace the tennis ball with a basketball! GRAB THE PRINTABLES
In the next station you are working hard to dribble the basketball within the box. You can try dribbling with your right hand, left hand, or crossover dribbles (dribbling hand to hand). The silent basketballs are awesome for this!
The basketball dance is an awesome finger workout! In this station you are rolling a dice and moving your fingers to the number you rolled. This is available in the Pink Oatmeal freebie library!
Next up is the basketball roll and color! Here you roll the dice and color the basketball that matches the number on the dice. Get this printable in the sports fine motor packet.
Next up is the basketball themed cutting or tearing station. In this station you will cut or tear the pieces of orange paper and glue them onto the basketball. Get this printable in the sports fine motor pack.
In the next station you are going to be working on bilateral coordination with a basketball twist! You can use these as printables, but it’s also a super fun digital game that you can play on a computer, tablet or interactive whiteboard! Get the Basketball Bilateral Coordination Game.
Next up you will be balancing on a balance ball such as a Bosu, while you trace your way through the basketball dribbles! You can get this as part of the sports fine motor pack.
Not included in the video, but another awesome addition to the basketball activities is the basketball clip cards! These are great for both fine motor and visual motor! Get the clip cards.
More Basketball Gross Motor, Fine Motor and Visual Motor
Along with these stations you will find even more basketball themed gross motor and basketball themed fine motor activities on the Pink Oatmeal blog!