The shapes game is a super fun way to identify shapes that we see everyday!

Shapes Game

Around here we are all about plenty of time for movement and opportunities to learn that involve movement.  We are also all about making learning fun.  When my almost 3 year old started showing lots of interest in matching games, numbers, and shapes I was fortunate to have my mom available to create super fun

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Patriotic themed yoga/movement ideas! I love that you can get FREE yoga cards as well! They would be perfect for Memorial Day, Labor Day, Fourth of July and more!

Patriotic Yoga

How did it become mid-May?  Minnesota has such long winters that it feels like you blink and practically miss Spring!  By Memorial Day I’m already in full summer mode.  Memorial Day is almost here!  Memorial Day honors men and women who died while serving our country.  It’s one of several patriotic holidays that we observe

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Earth Day Yoga Pose Ideas! I love the reduce, reuse, recycle pose!

Earth Day Kids Yoga

Do you have a great lesson set up for Earth Day?  Maybe you are missing just one extra thing to incorporate into an Earth Day theme or maybe your are looking for any kind of Earth Day activity out there!  Maybe you are ready to try something out of your comfort zone!  Earth Day kids

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