I’m self admittedly not much of a reader. I always want to get into reading I just never do. Even though I don’t read I didn’t want to neglect C’s exposure to books. Baby’s brains are developing so quickly, the first year of life is critical. Research shows that babies who are read to in the first nine months of their lives are better prepared for school than babies who had little interaction with books. Every night C has a bedtime routine that includes reading books. We started this way back when he was a newborn. It was also a great way to incorporate tummy time when he was younger. Over the past seven months we have really come to find five different types of books that have worked really well for C and have made reading to him an enjoyable experience. Here are my five favorite types of books for baby.
1. The “crinkly” book is how it is referred to in our house. This book is nice and soft for C to touch and makes a crinkly sound when manipulated. There are very few words on a page which is great to keep his attention.
2. The finger puppet book is such a fun book to read to C. He reaches out for the finger puppet. He laughs at it if you move it funny. It is a nursery rhyme book with minimal words on the page which keeps his attention. I love how interactive the finger puppet books are.
3. The board book with a few words on each page is a nice staple book in our collection. Too many words loses C’s attention. When the pages are turning fast enough he is happy! We also love the durability of a board book as everything goes in a baby’s mouth!
4. Books with repetition. We have several of these! Repetition in books is great for babies and as they grow repetition helps children become active readers along with you. C also loves that his dad is really good at making the noises with the associated animals.
5. Touch and feel books are a great addition to any babies reading. I love that there are associated words with the different textures. I love that know that C is tummy crawling and rolling I will see him go to these books if they are on the floor and feel the texture.
Enjoy reading to your baby!
I would like to add “Indestructible” books to this list! They feel and look like paperback books but they are chew proof, rip proof, non-toxic…and machine washable. Most have few or no words to add in the creative storytelling element. My 7 month old eats them up and I think they should be a part of every home library!
Great idea! I would love to get some of those in our collection!