Christmas Gross Motor – Holiday Hop
1. Lay holiday cards out on the floor with movement words written on the signs. Have the same amount of cards on the floor as you do kids playing the game. You can make your own cards on a sheet of paper or I have ready made holiday cards included in my Christmas Brain Breaks, Yoga, and Games. Laminating the cards is a good idea, that way you can use them again and again.GET THE HOLIDAY HOP CARDS
Get your hands on this set of holiday hop cards along with several other Christmas and holiday themed movement games when you get the Christmas Themed Movement Games from Pink Oatmeal.GET THE CHRISTMAS THEMED MOVEMENT GAMES
Christmas Resources
Pink Oatmeal has a huge selection of Christmas and holiday themed resources ready for you now! Save yourself time and energy while having fun and engaging resources that your kids will love. Have these in your hands today!CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL THE CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY RESOURCES FROM PINK OATMEAL
You can also click on the name of the resource below to get a full detailed description of the individual resource.-
Christmas Motor Pack -
Christmas Fine Motor -
Christmas Yoga Bundle -
Christmas Movement Pack -
Christmas Brain Break Cards -
Christmas Movement Games -
Christmas Yoga -
Gingerbread Escape Room -
Gingerbread Pre-Writing Game -
Gingerbread Brain Breaks -
Holiday Cookie Dough Escape -
Holiday Wheelchair Movement -
Hanukkah Gross Motor Games -
North Pole Gross Motor Game -
Holiday Sweater Game -
Christmas Motor/Sensory Path -
Holiday Movement Story -
Christmas Ornament Counting -
Reindeer Life Cycle -
Christmas Clip Kids Yoga