Pink Oatmeal has several fun games out there, but…how great would it be to have games that are fun and personalized for the kids that we work with!?!
The good news is that there are ways that this can be done using Pink Oatmeal’s digital games, and I’m going to share them with you today!
With these tips you can personalize games for all of the different kids that you work with using Pink Oatmeal resources.

Modifying a Digital Game
Pink Oatmeal has a huge selection of digital games. If there is one or two activities that you want to change up, you can do that. This video below shows you how to modify an exercise or two using the digital games.
Important – Make sure to save a copy of your work. You also have the option to save multiple copies. For example, if you want to change up the exercises between one student and another, use the save as feature. Using save as assures that you don’t copy over previous work. For example, you completed the game with one student. You switch up 3 exercises for the next child. You would go “save as” and name the file something slightly different – an idea would be the students name or initials.
Using Templates
Now what if you just had the template ready made for you? Meaning that you would be in charge or each different activity using a Pink Oatmeal digital game template.
This would give you the ability to work on targeted skills with each individual child or group of kids!
Pink Oatmeal offers digital game templates that allow you to add your own gross motor, fine motor, or really any activity into the game template! This video goes over how you would do that!
Important – Make sure to save a copy of your work. You also have the option to save multiple copies. For example, if you want to change up the exercises between one student and another, use the save as feature. Using save as assures that you don’t copy over previous work.
Customizing Games
Now that you know the basics on how to use these templates, let’s go deeper into how we actually customize and personalize the games for kids!
Scavenger Hunts or Goal Points
How about using the games as a scavenger hunt or as a goal to achieve? This is great for kids of all abilities.
For example, you have a child who is working on walking in their gait trainer. You could use points around the school, room, gym, outdoors that the child can try to walk to. Insert those pictures into the game and go. It suddenly makes walking in the gait trainer more game like!
Pink Oatmeal Digital Templates
I’ve talked a lot about the digital templates! Now here is where you can go and get them!
These templates are available to buy individually, make your own bundle, or better yet get the Digital Template Bundle and GET THEM ALL at a reduced price.