Fire safety week was established to commemorate the Great Chicago fire. Fire prevention week has been observed Sunday through Saturday during which October 9th falls. Fire safety week begins on October 4th this year. This years theme is, every bedroom needs a working smoke alarm. While we are learning about fire safety and honoring our local fire safety officials, it’s also an easy way to incorporate movement into the day. Firefighter brain breaks are a great way to move while learning about fire safety and throughout the year!
©koya979/Dollar Photo Club
Firefighter Brain Breaks
All distances and time spent on each brain break can be determined by what best fits your needs. Be sure to keep the kids moving!
Avoid The Fire
Tip Toe, Side Step, Crawl, Gallop, March, Walk On Your Heels, Cross Over Steps (Right Foot Lead, Left Foot Lead), Large Steps, Knee Hugs While Walking, Heel To Toe Walk Forward, Heel To Toe Walk Backward
Firefighter Work
Ladder Climbs (alternate arms and legs in standing), Ladder Climbs (with your hands and feet on the floor alternate move your feet back and forth like you are climbing a ladder), Interlock Arms and Walk Around The Room, Line Up and Pass and Object as Fast as You can Down the Line, Firefighter Partner Trust (Mirror Image Your Partner), Water Pump (Reach over your head and pull down like you are pumping water), Follow The Leader, Fire Dog Kicks (On your hands and knees kick out your leg behind you), Fire Dog Pose (Downward Facing Dog), Spin Down The Fire Pole (Spin to the left and to the right)
Put Out The Fire
Stop, Drop, and Roll, Jump Forwards, Jump Backwards, Jump Sideways, Jump In Place, Jump and Turn, Jump As Fast As You Can, Jumping Jacks, Stomp Your Right Leg While Turning, Stomp Your Left Leg While Turning, Jump Side To Side, Jump Forward/Backward
Fire School
Squats, Up and Down on Tip Toes, Right Leg Hops, Left Leg Hops, Right Foot Balance, Left Foot Balance, Lunges, Fire Friends Dance Party,
Sequence Patterns – Jump, Squat, Clap, Repeat Spin, Stomp, Jump, Repeat Squat, Twist, Clap, Repeat March, Squat, Spin, Repeat
Firefighter Brain Break Cards
See all of the Fire Safety Resources at Pink Oatmeal
Click here to see all of the fire prevention gross motor and fine motor resources at Pink Oatmeal OR click on the name of the resource below to get a detailed view of the resource!