Medbridge Courses for School-Based Physical Therapy

I’ve tried out a couple different subscription continuing education companies for my physical therapy CEU’s and have decided that Medbridge is my favorite. I feel that the price is fantastic for what you get. In all reality, you could get all of your continuing education units done for an amazing price with a variety of quality courses. That is hard to beat!

Medbridge courses for school based physical therapists.

All specific courses discussed in this article were current as of the article published date.

Subscription School-Based Physical Therapy Continuing Education

Going to an in depth course on a particular area or conference can be a great experience and opportunity to connect and network with other therapists.

That being said, it isn’t always something that comes easy. This was especially true as we’ve moved through the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, I was already using subscription-based continuing education services for some of my continuing education. During the worst months of the pandemic, all of my courses were done online, and I anticipate as a more normal emerges, I will still have a combination of online and in-person learning that takes place.

This brings me to why I have come to appreciate subscription-based online continuing education, with Medbridge being my favorite.

  • I can do it on my time. I do not need to get a babysitter, travel, or miss out on other scheduled events. This flexibility is HUGE.
  • I can get in specific units that are required of my state(s) such as ethics.
  • Medbridge has a wide variety of courses to choose from, both within my area of practice and I can venture out and try a few new classes.
  • There are longer and shorter courses available. If I have one to two hours at the beginning or end of a work day, I could do a course and knock out some continuing education units instead of mindlessly scrolling Instagram. This made it easier to get CEU’s completed over the year versus trying to squeeze them all in at the end.
  • If you want to step outside of your specialty area and take a couple of short courses, you can do that too with Medbridge.

I have worked with Medbridge to get a discount code for Pink Oatmeal readers.

When you use the code PINKOATMEAL you will get $101 off your Medbridge subscription.


School-Based Physical Therapy Courses With Medbridge

The following links to Medbridge are my affiliate links. I only promote products that I use, love, or feel would be of interest to Pink Oatmeal users.

After using Medbridge for a couple of years now, I feel that there is a nice selection of courses for school-based physical therapists and occupational therapists. I’m going to highlight a few courses, but I want to show you how I searched school based courses and how you can too. No membership is necessary to do this.

Feel free to read through the steps, I’ve also included a video at the bottom of the blog post that shows how I can search courses.

When on the Medbridge main page, I clicked on the browse courses button.

Medbridge Courses For School Based Physical Therapy Browse Courses

From there you will land on the course search page. Here you can select your state and also use the search box. I personally typed in “school based” into the search box and got several great results for school based courses.

Search Courses By State and Discipline

You will want to filter by your state(s) as they show what is approved by your state based on the individual state(s) laws. I believe my state is one of the trickiest out there when it comes to CEU approval, and there are still several courses available for school-based therapists.

This is a good starting point to searching for courses. You can of course look at all the pediatric course offerings too as many of these are relevant to school-based therapists, but may not show up in that search.

Specific School-Based Therapist Courses

I want to a highlight a couple of the courses that I have taken in regards to working in the schools that I thought were great courses. These are just touching the surface of courses, there are plenty more to choose from.

The school is a whole new learning experience when it comes to working as a therapist. There are a couple of great courses that break down different special education laws that were a great refresher, and they would be excellent for someone just entering the school-based physical therapy world.

History of IDEA and the Requirements of the 2004 Reauthorization

Essential Elements of School-Based Physical Therapy Practice

Providing School-Based Services as Accommodations Under Section 504

In the school setting, therapists are often looking at things such as seating or adaptive equipment. There are courses for that too. A few examples of courses are below.

Assessing the Seating Needs of School-Aged Children

Mobility Frames for School-Aged Children

There are diagnosis and/or impairment specific courses that you can take with Medbridge as well. For example, in the past year, I took two toe walking classes from Liesa Persaud that I enjoyed.

A Distinctive Approach to Pediatric Toe Walking

The Sensory Side of Pediatric Toe Walking

Below is a video of how you can search courses before committing to a subscription. Again, of the subscription services I’ve used, I feel that Medbridge is the best value. There is a great selection of resources at a reasonable price.

When you use the code: PINKOATMEAL you will get $101 off your subscription.

You can get your CEU’s for a fantastic price. Get started with Medbridge now.

Looking for more continuing education options for school-based physical therapists or occupational therapists? Check out my online continuing education options for therapists blog post.

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