I love a good theme when it comes to gross motor planning! Most kids love their pets. So why not make it pet gross motor planning? The fact that pets are animals makes pet gross motor planning a breeze. It adds the fun factor for kids too! Check out all the different ways that you can add a pet theme to your gross motor planning today!
Pet Gross Motor Planning
Who doesn’t love their pets!?! How many kids do you know that talk about their pets all the time? Being animals, pets are fun and easy to incorporate into gross motor and fine motor activities!
Start off with simple pet moves using pet themed movement cards. These are fun to watch and see what the kids come up with! Get them as part of the movement card bundle.
Start off with these pet themed yoga ideas. Pose like your dog, cat or goldfish!
Animal Track Gross Motor paths are a great way to work on gross motor skills this week. Set up a course of pet foot prints to follow. This is a great activity for motor planning. Members can get these printables for FREE.
Bean bag in bowl using dog dishes (check the dollar store) or baskets are great for this unit to work on eye-hand coordination. Line up the dishes and have the kids toss the bean bags in.
Kibble Transfer – An easy game where you can use real pet food, cereal or cotton balls. The idea is to work on transferring the kibble while staying stable on an exercise ball.
Check out more fun ways to move like an animal and call them “pet walks”.
Try a pet scavenger hunt. Hide your favorite pets or pet supplies and have the kids search them out. Make this more exciting by including moves such as jumping, skipping, walking backward or crawling to the next location on their hunt.
Try a pet obstacle course – use props from your favorite pets (leashes, bowls, collars etc). Have the kids climb over, go around, or retrieve your favorite objects.
Tennis Ball Relay – Man’s best friend loves a tennis ball. Get kids into two teams and have tennis balls in a pile at the end of the room. Have the kids race to retrieve a ball (one ball) and run it back to their team. The first team to retrieve all the balls or the most balls wins.
For your pet themed activities, the Pet Themed Fine Motor Activities Pack is everything you need. This pack consists of several fun ways to work on fine motor skills with a pet theme.
Get Your Pet Themed Movement
Get the Pet Themed Movement Pack and make adding pet movement to your pet unit simple and fun!
Pet Motor Pack
Save your time and energy searching and trying to create your own pet themed motor activities. Get the Pet Themed Motor Pack and have fun pet themed gross motor and fine motor activities. This is available in the shop for you today!