Physical Activity For The Classroom – Using Technology

Most of us are aware that there is plenty of research that physical activity is needed in the classroom.   There is also a lot happening with technology in the classroom.  That being said, combining physical activity and technology could be useful to classroom teachers throughout the country.  Here are some great ways to get in physical activity for the classroom using technology.

Fun ways to incorporate physical activity in the classroom using technology available in classrooms. Brain breaks for an entire class, individuals or small groups! Really great ideas plus some games and interactive ways to move!

Physical Activity For The Classroom – What We Know

Active Kids Learn Better

They are 20% more likely to earn an A in math or English.

In active kids standardized test scores increased 6% over 3 years.

Just One Physically Active Lesson Creates…

13% increase in a child’s physical activity for the week.

21% decrease in teachers time managing behaviors. – WOW!

With cuts in physical education and higher demands placed on teachers how can we make this easier for teachers to seamlessly fit physical activity for the classroom in the day?

Using Technology To Promote Physical Activity

One possible way of doing this is using the technology that teachers and students have available in a physically active manner instead of a sedentary manner.  Including easy ways for teachers to pull up apps or games that incorporate physical activity or games that students can play on their iPads, interactive white boards, or computers.  As a therapist I’ve found that this works well to have some of these games available on my iPad if I’ve traveled to a school and would leave something at a different school or not have the room that I anticipated for that day.

Interactive Resources For Promoting Physical Activity In The Classroom

Interactive Brain Breaks – The interactive part of this is so much fun.  This is a PowerPoint game that an individual to an entire class can participate in on a computer, interactive white board, or iPad. I love this because the kids participate in picking their exercises in a interactive game form.  We also have a free Fall Themed Interactive Game For You To Try!   Try it for FREE today when you sign up to be part of the Pink Oatmeal community! 


Physical Activity For The Classroom

GoNoodle – When you sign up for a free account on this website there are plenty of videos that you can choose from that students follow and dance too.  These are great in large group participation.

Fit4Schools – This is a website that has plenty of free options for teachers to use in their classroom to get kids moving plus have kids participate in their fitness.

YouTube Channels – This list of 5 YouTube channels are all great for encouraging movement in combination with technology.

Interactive Yoga – This is my favorite! Once again I love the interactive part of the game so that the student is engaged.  It can be used on the computer, interactive white board, or iPad. It’s simple and fun and great for a wide age range starting at preschool through elementary. I personally have it downloaded on my iPad with the free PowerPoint app so it’s ready to use on the go.

Physical Activity For The Classroom

iPad Apps – These 3 free apps are great for several kids but also work great for individuals to get in that brain break they may need when others in the class don’t necessarily need it.

What’s your favorite way to combine technology with physical activity in the classroom, therapy, or home?


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My store at Pink Oatmeal is full of ideas to get the kids moving at home, in the classroom, and in therapy!  If you prefer Teachers Pay Teachers you can find me there too!

2 thoughts on “Physical Activity For The Classroom – Using Technology”

  1. You can add CoordiClass to your selection of engaging movement options for the class room. Follow online video recordings for exercises to optimize focused atrention.

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