Are you looking for quick and fun ways to move this holiday season? Do you have kids that need to get all of that energy out? Do you need the kids to re-focus with all the excitement this holiday season? Look no further! Here are fun printable Christmas activities (paid and free) that get the kids moving their bodies and achieve fun and focus! See all the Christmas printables available from Pink Oatmeal!
Printable Christmas Activities – That Promote Movement
These activities are perfect for a classroom, daycare, or home. They are awesome for physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy. Use these printable Christmas activities for physical education or a brain break!
Reindeer Run Brain Breaks (These are FREE!)
Move like Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon…
Christmas Yoga
There are three versions of Christmas Yoga available from Pink Oatmeal. Read all about the different poses. All sets have the same poses, but a different presentation.
Christmas Yoga – Objects
These are the same Christmas themed yoga poses. The difference is these have common object pictures (like a Christmas tree) in place of someone in the pose. For some kids these are more fun! Get this set in the shop!
Christmas Clip Art Kids
How about these cute yoga cards? Pink Oatmeal has you covered with clip art kids Christmas Yoga Cards and Printables.
Santa Boots – Freebie
Follow Santa’s path using these cute Santa Boots printables for FREE. They are a great way to move during the holidays. Make it even better by creating an entire Christmas Themed Sensory Path!
Christmas Brain Breaks
These Christmas Themed Brain Break activities are fun, fast and efficient! Most can be done in small spaces but still do the job to get that much needed physical activity in!
Holiday Hop
The holiday hop (read all about it) is a fun way to move! Put on a little music and shake those bodies! These are found in an awesome Christmas Pack full of fun ways to move with a Christmas theme!
Reindeer Race
This dice game is a great partner game that incorporates movement. It’s also included in the Christmas Brain Breaks, Yoga and Games pack along with several other fun ways to move with a Christmas theme!
Jingle Jive – Freebie
How about creating a little holiday dance? The Jingle Jive is the perfect way to create your own holiday dances and you can get this printable activity for FREE!
Gingerbread Brain Breaks
Run, run as fast as you can. Keep those bodies moving with these fun Gingerbread themed brain breaks (read all about them). Designed to be fast, fun and efficient! Get as set of Gingerbread Themed Brain Break Cards in the shop.
Christmas Relay
The Christmas Relay (read all about it) is a fun set of printable cards that spell out the word Christmas. The kids race to get them (and if they can) line up and spell out Christmas! Such a fun way to move. It’s also included in the Christmas Brain Breaks, Yoga and Games pack!
Santa Dice
A fun dice game designed with physical activity in mind. Roll your dice and perform the movement. First one to mark off all the Santa’s wins. Play individually, in partners or in a group. It’s also included in the Christmas Brain Breaks, Yoga and Games pack!
Christmas Themed Roll and Move
Roll the dice to find your move. Use this as a game or brain break. Cross off the moves as you complete them or just play for fun! It’s also included in the Christmas Brain Breaks, Yoga and Games pack!
Okay we are just scratching the surface, check out all the other wonderful printable and digital resources from Pink Oatmeal below!
Christmas Resources
Pink Oatmeal has a huge selection of Christmas and holiday themed resources ready for you now! Save yourself time and energy while having fun and engaging resources that your kids will love.
You can also click on the name of the resource below to get a full detailed description of the individual resource.
Christmas Motor Pack Christmas Fine Motor Christmas Yoga Bundle Christmas Movement Pack Christmas Brain Break Cards Christmas Movement Games Christmas Yoga Gingerbread Escape Room Gingerbread Pre-Writing Game Gingerbread Brain Breaks Holiday Cookie Dough Escape Holiday Wheelchair Movement Hanukkah Gross Motor Games North Pole Gross Motor Game Holiday Sweater Game Christmas Motor/Sensory Path Holiday Movement Story Christmas Ornament Counting Reindeer Life Cycle Christmas Clip Kids Yoga