This weekend my occupational therapist friend and I got together to make our boys sensory bottles. Yes we realize this is dorky but what do you expect from a pediatric physical and occupational therapist :). We used Voss water bottles to create the sensory bottles. We choose the Voss due to their ability to roll, sturdy plastic that was most importantly BPA free. We made a variety of bottles, some of which are good for right now and some that likely won’t be used until later.
We made bottles several different ways. The bottles with water or oil were hot glued shut. The bottles that had dry items were not yet glued shut so they can be interchanged with other items. As C gets older I may have to hot glue them shut for safety but at this point he can’t open them so I’m not worried.
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What a fun idea! I’ll have to try this sometime with my little boy!
Thanks! They were super fun for us to make! C seems interested in them now. I’m excited for when he gets a little older and can move them on his own. They are really easy too!
Nothing dorky about it. I am making them too !
Chanda. what did you use to remove the label on the bottle? i’m FINALLY going to get around to making some of these…going to use for time out timers.
My bottles just had the plastic cover that could peel right off like a typical water bottle.