Don’t you just love the smell of spring? The fresh air and I can finally open my windows again feeling is so much appreciated after a long winter. Although, spring is often a short season where I’m from, it’s a season I have great appreciation for. We are celebrating this season with spring fine motor activities. These activities work on fine motor skills with a spring theme! My preschooler is loving these and has put his stamp of approval on them.
Spring Fine Motor Activities
Adding themes to fine motor can change up the mundane and make it so much more fun. Think about how great it would feel to have it all created for you. Think about the time and effort you will save by having this all done. Plus, you will feel confident that you will have spring themed fine motor activities that your kids will love.
Get all of these spring themed fine motor activities now.
Spring Themed Fine Motor – Pre-Writing
Let’s start with the pre-writing lines. It’s so important that these pre-writing strokes are established before formal writing. I like to use pre-writing strips that are laminated. This way I don’t have to print several pieces of paper. Just wipe after one use!
Spring Fine Motor Activities -Pencil Control
The next challenge is pencil control. Again, these are laminated so they can be used over and over again. Pencil strips can be practiced in multiple ways.
- Use of fingers to follow lines.
- Follow the lines with a paint brush
- Use materials such as Wiki Stix to go over lines and shapes.
- Follow the lines with pipe cleaners.
- Follow the lines with manipulatives.
Spring Fine Motor Activities – Snap Cubes
A fun way to work on fine motor skills is with snap cubes. Making Spring themed patterns is even better.
Spring Fine Motor Activities -Dice Game
This game is played by rolling the dice and finding the flower that has the same number as the dice. Cover that flower with your choice of manipulative. Use the tongs, tweezers, fingers etc. to transfer the manipulative to the game board.
Spring Fine Motor Activities – Clip Cards
The spring clip cards come with fun spring themed counting graphics. Place the clothes pins/clips on the correct number of items. A simple but good way to work on fine motor skills!
Spring Fine Motor Activities – Beading
Beading is a great way to work on fine motor skills. This spring themed beading activity has the kids beading the stem of a flower. They put the number of beads on the stem as indicated by the flower. Stems (pipe cleaners) are placed on the flower with velcro dots!
Spring Fine Motor Activities – Color Matching
This activity can incorporate several different fine motor options. Use tongs or fingers to transfer Poms (or other manipulative). Use a dot marker to fill in pictures. Place the color matching cards on a vertical and use push pins.
Spring Fine Motor Activities – Spring Weather Cutting
Practice scissor skills with tornado, lightening, sunshine or rain cutting!
Spring Fine Motor Activities – Spring Tracing
Fun spring themed shapes tracing! Laminate and use these over and over again!
Spring Pre-Writing
How about a fun pre-writing game that can be played digitally!?! The Spring Gnomes Pre-Writing Game is the answer! This game let’s you pick a gnome friend, get to know their name, and perform the pre-writing stroke they ask of you. This game can be played digitally on your tablet, on an interactive whiteboard, or on a computer. There are additional printable pre-writing strips included to go with the game.
Spring Themed Dough Mats
How about the make, write it, try it dough mats! These adorable mats have you making (with dough) the spring themed object, writing it and then trying to move like it!
More Spring Themed Motor Skills
20+ Spring Themed Gross Motor Games
Puddle Jumping Gross Motor Game
Get Your Spring Themed Fine Motor Activities
Think about how great it would feel to have all of these fine motor activities ready for you to use right now! Plus, you can feel confident that you have activities that your kids will love. Save yourself time, money and effort and buy all the Spring Themed Fine Motor Activities now and get started using them immediately!
More Spring Resources
Pink Oatmeal has a huge collection of ready made motor skills resources for you! Save yourself time and effort and have it all done for you. Your kids will love all the different spring themed resources and so will you!
Click on the NAME link below to get a full detailed description of the resource.
Spring Movement Pack -
Spring Yoga Cards Bundle -
Spring Fine Motor Activities -
Spring Yoga Cards -
Spring Brain Break Cards -
Spring Movement Story -
Spring Digital Gross Motor Game -
Spring Wheelchair Game -
Spring Motor Pack -
Spring Movement Games -
Spring Gnomes Pre-Writing -
Spring Kids Yoga -
Spring Motor/Sensory Path