One of the things that I wanted to accomplish with baby number two was a tummy time station. I’ve decided to set this station up in our playroom. I know we are going to spend plenty of time in the playroom during the winter months with my toddler so it would be the perfect time and place to squeeze in some tummy time for the baby. Need some tips for tummy time? Check out my post on what has worked for us in the past!
Tummy Time Station
I wanted to keep the tummy time station simple yet have a designated space for the baby to be in the playroom. I chose a space that was away from the majority of the commotion that goes on in the playroom for safety purposes. I also made sure the space that had a wall so I could put up a mirror or engaging material on the wall.
What’s In My Tummy Time Station
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My station is starting out pretty simple. My plan is for the station to evolve as baby grows and develops. Remember tummy time should always be supervised. Don’t leave your baby in a position that makes them miserable.
I have a blanket on the floor. Blankets are the best! Babies need a place to lay.
I’ve put up a cheap mirror (similar to this one) that I picked up at Target on the wall. I’ve started out keeping the mirror really low. I used command strips to mount it to the wall. It worked really well. A bonus is if I want to move it there will be no damage to the wall and I can adjust the position and move it up as I’d like. I also used these to mount my baby monitor in the past – it worked fabulous.
I love my newborn lounger for tummy time, I don’t use it for lounging. I found with my first baby it gave that extra little upper body support without trying to roll towels or shove a large boppy under baby. It doesn’t mean that I use the lounger all the time, but I like having it as an option.
High contrast objects. I started by making a DIY version contrast cards that are perfect for tummy time.
A basket for organization. I tend to use laundry baskets to organize! To keep things clean I plan to have my tummy time station neatly folded up in a basket. That way when we are ready to play I can easily bring out the blanket and anything else I’m going to use. Let’s be honest, it will also keep the dog off the blanket.
My plan is to alternate new ideas out and move things in and out of the station. As we play I’ll share them with you!
What are your favorite tummy time play ideas? I love getting new ideas to implement into my tummy time station!
Your Tummy Time Resource
Get all your tummy time needs in one handy guide. This is a great reference to help take the struggle out of tummy time and the constant late night Google searches! I get it I’m a mom of three too and life with a new baby is not easy! I’m hoping to take one less thing off your plate for you in this guide!
Personalized Wellness
I sure hope this helped answer your question, but I understand that sometimes you want something more personal from someone who truly understands and is trained in child development, and as a bonus is a parent themselves and has been there. Pink Oatmeal is offering this services to you now!
These are terrific ideas! Thanks so much…
I love the idea of putting mirror low on wall! As a peds OT and a grandma to 2, I recommend also using a small soft sided mirror (in front of baby and then moved around to encourage visual attention in all directions ) during tummy time- my 6 month old granddaughter now moves toward mirror and can pick it up/roll over and hold it over her face/chew on it etc!
And of course use any toys that attract the baby’s attention.