Conversation hearts have been around at Valentine’s Day for as long as I can remember. I’ve noticed that the “conversations” on the hearts have evolved over time. The hearts for the conversation heart hop game have movement based words as their “conversations.” It’s a simple, fun game that can be enjoyed by all age levels. Along with the valentine delivery game, Valentine’s Day Yoga, and Valentine’s Day Brain Breaks, the conversation heart hop is a great gross motor game for Valentine’s Day ! Pink Oatmeal also has a huge collection of Valentine’s Day gross motor activity ideas along with Valentine’s Day fine motor activities for you to check out!
Conversation Heart Hop – Valentine’s Day Gross Motor
The conversation heart hop is a part of the Valentine’s Day Brain Breaks and Games variety pack that can be found in the Shop. Needed Conversation Hearts MusicConversation Heart Hop -How To Play
Option 1- Place hearts face down.
- Let kids take turns picking a heart.
- The entire class performs the activity on the heart.
- Place the same number of hearts as students on the ground.
- Have students walk or hop on hearts until music stops.
- When music stops students must perform the activity on their heart.
- When music starts students start moving between hearts again and play continues.
Get Your Conversation Hearts
Save yourself, time, effort,and energy and get this game ready made for you! Pink Oatmeal has the Conversation Heart Hop available for you to download and use right now in the Valentine’s Day Movement Games Pack! Grab your conversation hearts in the Valentine’s Day Brain Breaks and Movement pack. Not only do you get the conversation hearts but you get a variety of ways to move with a Valentine’s Day theme! Some favorites include the Heart Hustle, Valentine’s Day Delivery Relay and Valentine’s Day Cootie Catcher.Valentine’s Day Resources For You
Pink Oatmeal has a huge selection of ready made Valentine’s Day resources for you! There are printable resources, digital resources, games, yoga cards, fine motor activities and more. Safe yourself time, energy, and effort by getting your hands on these Valentine’s Day resources today!CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL OF THE VALENTINE’S DAY RESOURCES FROM PINK OATMEAL
Click on the NAME of the resource to get a full description of what is included.-
Valentine’s Day Movement Pack -
Valentine’s Day Yoga Pack -
Valentine’s Day Motor Pack -
Valentine’s Day Brain Break Cards -
Valentine’s Day Fine Motor Activities -
Valentine’s Day Wheelchair Game -
Valentine’s Day Gross Motor Game -
Valentine’s Day Movement Story -
Valentine’s Day Counting Gross Motor Game -
Valentine’s Day Pre-Writing Game -
Valentine’s Day Movement Games -
Conversation Heart Brain Break Game -
Valentine’s Day Motor and Sensory Path -
Valentine’s Day Yoga -
Valentine’s Day Yoga