Winter is here! That means winter themes are fun to incorporate into fine motor skills work. I love the idea of working on fine motor through manipulatives and play as much as possible. Check out some of the fun winter fine motor activities below!

Winter Fine Motor Activities
All of the following winter fine motor activities can be found in the shop or in the freebie library at Pink Oatmeal. Also, be sure to check out the Winter Sports Fine Motor Activity Pack from Pink Oatmeal.
Looking for winter themed gross motor activities? Be sure to check out all the winter gross motor activity ideas from Pink Oatmeal. These are a fabulous compliment to the fine motor activities.
Winter Pre-Writing Strokes
Pre-writing skills are lines and strokes that need to be mastered BEFORE learning how to print the alphabet. Each is developed in a sequence. We’ve been using pre-writing strips to do this in a variety of ways.
- Laminate and cut out pre-writing strips.
- Use a dry erase marker for writing so it can easily be wiped off lamination and re-used again.
- Pre-writing strips can be practiced in multiple ways.
- Use of fingers to follow lines.
- Follow the lines with a paint brush
- Use materials such as Wikki Stix (affiliate link) to go over lines and shapes.
- Follow the lines with pipe cleaners.
Mitten Links
Add links to your mittens based on the number on the mitten. Don’t lose them and connect them together by adding together the number on two mittens. A great fine motor and learning skill perfect for winter!
Winter Painting Fine Motor
Do you want to paint a snowman!?! Use a cotton swab to create your snowman painting.
Snowman Buttons
How about placing buttons on the snowman based on the number on the card? You could use poms, real buttons, beads etc as your buttons. Work on transferring the button to the snowman by using a tongs, tweezers, pincer grip etc.
Snowman Pencil Control
Work on pencil control with the snowman maze, connect the dots, and tracing sheets. You can get all of these for FREE in the freebie library at Pink Oatmeal.
Winter Play Dough Mats
Work on fine motor skills using play dough mats. The mats all have a winter theme. Laminate and use over and over again.
Snowflake Task Cards
Use cotton swabs to create snowflakes using snowflake task cards. This is the perfect fine motor activity!
Penguin Roll and Cover
A fun dice game. Roll the dice and cover the penguin with the associated number. Using tongs and cotton balls keeps with the winter theme.
Winter Fine Motor Pencil Paths
Challenge pencil skills using pencil paths. Laminate and cut out paths. Use them over and over again by using a dry erase marker.
Letter Formation – Winter Theme
If you are ready for letter formation work, this is your winter themed activity. Use a paint brush or finger to go over the letter. Create a “snow filled” (salt or sugar) bin to work on letter formation.
Winter Pre-Writing Strokes
How about gamifying fine motor skills with a winter theme! Pink Oatmeal has a couple of fun ways that you can do this while sticking with a winter or arctic theme.
Arctic Riddle, Roll, and Write Game
The Arctic Riddle, Roll, and Write game is such a fun way to work on handwriting skills all winter long. This game can be played on a computer, tablet or interactive whiteboard. It also comes with printable writing cards that you can use. It is best played in combination of the printables and the game version on your tablet, computer etc.
Here is an example of this game in action!
Another fun and engaging way to work on pre-writing strokes is with the Winter Friends Pre-Writing Strokes Game. This game can be played on a tablet, computer, or interactive whiteboard. The game also comes with printable pre-writing strokes!
Here is the game in action!
Winter Gross Motor
Now that you’ve worked on winter fine motor activities, how about checking out a few of these winter gross motor activities!
Winter Themed Gross Motor Ideas
Winter Games Gross Motor Activities
Snowball Relay Winter Movement Game
Indoor Ice Skating Winter Gross Motor
Winter Motor Skills Room
Check out the winter motor skills room in action. This has a small sampling of the Pink Oatmeal motor activities included in it. You could easily substitute any of the fine motor or gross motor activities to make this station work for you!
Love these ideas and want them all ready made now? I hear you! Pink Oatmeal has all of these for you in the Winter Fine Motor Activities Pack !
Winter Resources From Pink Oatmeal
Pink Oatmeal has a huge selection of winter resources for you to choose from. Get everything you need to work on motor skills all winter long!
Click on the name of the images in the photos below to get a full detailed view of the winter resource available at Pink Oatmeal!
Winter Movement Games -
Winter Yoga Story -
Winter Fine Motor Activities -
Winter Yoga -
Winter Yoga Bundle -
Winter Motor Bundle -
Winter Movement Bundle -
Winter Yoga Cards and Printables -
Winter Sports Fine Motor Activities -
Winter Sports Stations -
Winter Friends Pre-Writing -
Winter Counting Movement Game -
Winter Movement Game -
Winter Sports Movement Game -
Winter Wheelchair Game -
Gnome Upper Extremity Game -
Winter Brain Break Cards -
Penguin Life Cycle -
Winter Sensory and Motor Path Printables -
Reindeer Life Cycle