With the Winter Olympics quickly approaching it’s the perfect time to add this theme into your fine motor and gross motor activities. All the different sports make adding winter games fine motor activities easy. At a young age (3-5) I’m not a big fan of tons of worksheets, but instead working on fine motor through manipulatives and play as much as possible. Check out some of the fun winter games fine motor activities!
Winter Games Fine Motor Activities
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The winter games are awesome for fine motor and gross motor skills. Check out all the Winter Sports Gross Motor Ideas, Winter Sports Stations, and Olympic Ring Gross Motor Ideas.
The preschooler at my house has taken a interest in table top activities. It wasn’t really until recently that this was of any interest to him. Instead of begging for the iPad during his “quiet time” I’ve put together several different fun fine motor activities that he can work on. He let me know that they were “ridiculously” fun. We have all of these activities available for you in the Winter Sports Fine Motor Activities Pack.
Start off with a fun figure skate pom activity. Move the pom to the skate and match the colors. Use a tongs, spoon, fingers or tweezers to work on this skill.
A fun beading activity that goes along with the winter sports and winter games theme is ring beading. Adhere a pipe cleaner to the ring with a number in the middle. Add the amount of beads to the pipe cleaner as indicated on the ring.
The ski stick patterns have been a lot of fun. Arrange craft sticks to match the pattern cards. This can be accomplished by placing the craft sticks directly over the cards (they are large enough) or placing them next to the cards. If you have (affiliate) colored craft sticks try to match the colors as well!
I’ve also created fun ways to work on pre-writing strokes. Pre-writing skills are lines and strokes that need to be mastered BEFORE learning how to print the alphabet. Each is developed in a sequence. We’ve been using pre-writing strips to do this in a variety of ways.
- Laminate and cut out pre-writing strips.
- Use a dry erase marker for writing so it can easily be wiped off lamination and re-used again.
- Pre-writing strips can be practiced in multiple ways.
- Use of fingers to follow lines.
- Follow the lines with a paint brush
- Use materials such as Wikki Stix to go over lines and shapes.
- Follow the lines with pipe cleaners.
- Follow the lines with manipulatives.
We’ve also worked on this by writing in the “snow”. Salt and a tray (affiliate –such as these) work great for this activity. A finger, a gloved finger (sticking with the winter theme) or a paint brush all work nicely!
He’s also been working on fine motor strengthening using clothes pins. This simple “gold medal” game let’s him work on his fine motor strength by using clothes pins and one to one correspondence by matching numbers with the dots on the card.
Not to forget an opportunity for cutting, he’s been working on different cutting tasks including straight lines, curves, and shapes.
Get All Your Winter Sports Fine Motor Activities
At Pink Oatmeal we understand that you are busy. We want to make these activities easy for you so we’ve done the work of creating them and putting them in a pack for you. Grab all your Winter Games/Sports fine motor activities today! ALL of the above activities are included for you in this pack! There are 45 pages of printables so you can enjoy these now and continue to use them over and over again!
Winter Resources From Pink Oatmeal
Pink Oatmeal has a huge selection of winter resources for you to choose from. Get everything you need to work on motor skills all winter long!
Click on the name of the images in the photos below to get a full detailed view of the winter resource available at Pink Oatmeal!
Winter Movement Games Winter Yoga Story Winter Fine Motor Activities Winter Yoga Winter Yoga Bundle Winter Motor Bundle Winter Movement Bundle Winter Yoga Cards and Printables Winter Sports Fine Motor Activities Winter Sports Stations Winter Friends Pre-Writing Winter Counting Movement Game Winter Movement Game Winter Sports Movement Game Winter Wheelchair Game Gnome Upper Extremity Game Winter Brain Break Cards Penguin Life Cycle Winter Sensory and Motor Path Printables Reindeer Life Cycle